Thursday, October 17, 2013

blog baru

silahkan mampir :)

Hari ini mengerikan!

Sudah sebulan ini saya bekerja sebagai loper koran, karena saya tidak punya kendaran pribadi termasuk sepeda, maka saya ditempatkan di daerah dekat rumah saya. Normalnya saya bekerja dari jam 3:15 sampai selesai. Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan waktu 1,5 jam sampai 3 jam. Tergantung banyaknya koran yang di antar dan ketebalan koran yang membuat saya kesusahan untuk memasukkannya ke kotak pos yang ada. Oleh karena itu juga, saya jadi sering berdoa biar koran hari ni gak tebal-tebal banget. :))

Dikarenakan handphone saya yang sedang labil alias suka nyala mati nyala sesuka hati, alarm saya pun menjadi tidak stabil. Kalau boleh jujur, saya bukan orang yang susah bangun, tapi kalau tidak ada alarm, maka saya pun bisa bablas tidur sampai pagi. Sejak minggu kemarin, saya selalu telat bangun pada hari Kamis. Biasanya saya akan bangun jam 2:15, bersiap-siap, lalu berangkat jam 2:30. Hari ini saya terbangun jam 4:30. Karena kaget, saya pun secepat kilat bersiap-siap. Ketika saya sedang bersiap-siap. Sayup-sayup saya mendengar bel rumah yang terus-terusan di pencet. Karena pikiran saya masih ngawang, saya pun tidak menggubrisnya, begitu saya selesai memakai jilbab dengan bel yang masih terus saja berbunyi, saya pun mengangkat intercom di samping pintu and YOU KNOW WHAT?????? My Boss was downstair!!! Mencet-mencet itu bel dan begitu saya angkat itu intercom, dia langsung bilang, "Kamu harus mengantar koran!!! Sekarang sudah hampir jam 5!!! Nyalakan handphone-mu!!!!!!!!!!!! Cepat siap-siap!!!!!!" dan terbengong-bengong saya pun hanya bisa bilang, "Ya, saya akan segera berangkat!" dan saya pun meminta maaf.

What the h**l!!! Gile!! Sadis!! Gak tau lagi harus bilang apa lagi. Yang pasti saya schock! Di samperin ke rumah buat bangunin saya!! Pfiiuuuuhhhh. Gak lagi-lagi deh telat dateng kerja loper koran ini. Seperti privasi yang terbajak, karena ketahuan rumahnya dimana. Hahahahahhaha.  

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Hai Hai :)

It's time to review another restaurant! Kekekekeke.

Now is time for Korean Restaurant Core. I know this restaurant from my friend, who is a k-pop HARD-DIEfans, she know all about Korea (culture, language, dramas, musics, an so oooon).

I like the atmosphere in this restaurant, when it's not full of people (which is always happen in lunch-break time or something like dinner time) Core was very quiet in a good way of course. There is no k - pop music like another korean restaurant  for modern young people , and the waiters here were friendly . The first time I was here , I ordered bibimbap , which is served in a hot stone bowl that made zzzzzzzzhhh zzzhhhh sound and very tempting , but be careful when mixing red sauce on top of bibimbap , the smell will go everywhere and stick to our clothes , but for me personally , I don't feel that it is a problem , as the food is very hot , if you are not careful , it can burn your tongue . :)

I finally returned to the Core with my housemate . She ordered a set menu,  that I think is very complete set menu with  price about € 7 . In this menu set we get to choose between doejang jjigae ( fermented beans soup ) or miyuk guk ( seaweed soup ) and served with rice , roasted seaweed and korean banchan or side dishes ( kongjorim / black beans side dish , Yeon-gn jorim / lotus root side dish , gamjabokkeum / potato side dish , sauteed zucchini , buchim dubu / tofu side dish , and of course our beloved kimchi , hehehe ) . I think this menu is very fit to be eaten at lunch and not dinner , kekekeke , because in the end we were stuffed and sleepy , so lazy headed for home .

>>CORE Menu Set<<
while for my own , as usual I ordered bibimbap and kimchi ordered an extra one ( which is actually every time ordering food here , you will get a free small plate of kimchi ) with korean ginger tea .

>>Roasted Rice Tea, Dolsot Bibimbap, Kimchi<<

>>Ginger Tea<<

They gave us free vegetable dumplings too, to be eaten as an appetizer .

Jjampong or seafood noodle soup here is also delicious, it's spicy and very diverse , from squid , fish until the mussels and I think it is better to eat jjampong warm and not hot because when we eat this soup hot , then the taste won't be obvious, but when the soup was cool down a little bit, the we can taste the spiciness and deliciousness favor .
>>Green Tea, Kimchi, Beans Side Dish, Jjampong<<

>> JJampong <<
One of my experience here is when I eat bibimbap for first time , because at that time I was the only customer who was there, the chef of the Core which is actually middle age lady , came up to me (who ready to eat after  I mixed alltogether)  while looking at my bibimbap bowl,  she said, "Good ! That's correct way of eating bibimbap " . It turned out when the Germans eat bibimbap , they do not mixed it together with gojuchang sauce but they takes one -on-one topping that is on top of the rice of bibimbap . So people, plese mix it well before you eat bibimbap. OK? Kekekekeke...

Pappelallee 84, 10437 Berlin

Web :

Review :

Personal Rating : ****

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sushi Club

So people, because my blog is veeeryyyyy sepi :D I'll write about cafe or restaurant, maybe with little bit review, informations and (of course) photos. Don't expect much, but i'll try to write it in English?! Kekekekeke.

Soooo here we go...

I really like to eat sushi but because i'm a poor student without much money in my bank account, i can just play the video on youtube over and over again, which is make things worst, because  at that time my craving feeling for sushi will up to the max on my belly gauge.

A long time ago, when i had a lot of money to eat (a lot of didn't mean that i have 1000€ or more, but i had extra money to buy expensive food. kekekke ), i'll eat in a sushi restaurant, which is of course serve sushi, appetizer and many more). There're a lot of sushi restaurant in Berlin, such as ISHIN in Güntzelstraße or Friedrichstraße (even the special ISHIN in Hardenbergerplatz -- i never been there T_T ), Goko in Rosa Luxemburg Platz, and so many more, but when i've for example 15€ and i want to eat a lot of sushi, then the all you can eat sushi restaurant is a good option.

One day, my long time friend came to Berlin, and suggested me to came with her to ate sushi in Sushi Club. So i went there with here of course to eat sushi. Here we go...

first round of sushi eating kekekekeke

I forgot how many sushi plate i ate, i think more than 20 plates! You know, i'm HUNGRY! I paid 12,90€ for the all you can eat sushi, and something like 4€ for big glass of ginger alle, and because i ate so much, i felt really happy ever after :)

most wanted sushi
Afterall this all you can eat sushi restaurant is  cheap (when you can eat a lot of sushi and have big stomach like me :D ) and good. Of course it isn't the best sushi restaurant in Berlin, but i think it's one of the best sushi all you can eat restaurant in Berlin.

Sushi Club
Wilhelmstr. 87 | 10117 Berlin

Mo - So von 12:00 bis 22:00

Lieferservice Mitte:
030 / 20 60 55 08

Personal Rating : 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Flying Without Wings

I'm flying without wings...

kebebasanku kudapatkan
tanpa sepasang sayap

bukan dengan terbang dan menukik di atas padang biru bercorak
melihat kehidupan, kebobrokan, kebahagiaan

di sini

aku tak perlu sayap
karena aku punya dua kaki dua tangan dan segalanya

aku tak perlu sayap
karena aku hanya ingin berpijak di atas tanah ini

karena di tanah ini
aku mendapatkan kebebasan!


Dia dalam hidup, tak pernah terlintas akan ada akhir cerita. Cerita yang tak usah bagus tapi pun tak akan usang dimakan senjakala. Dia mencerahkan hari, hati tak bersiul tapi mulut selalu menyungging senyum. Dia diam membisu, bukan tak ada tapi selalu bersembunyi. Dia yang tak dimengerti, mengangguk atau menggeleng, meyelaraskan keheningan dunia.

Hari-hari yang berlalu, dia ada, diam diam dan dalam diam. Terdengar desir angin, lembut seperti bisikan pasir, membawa hawa bernuansa damai. Dia yang ada tapi tak ada. 

Suatu saat badai datang, ketika hari bersinar terang benderang, ketika lagu itu mengalun. Menoreh toreh, mengoyak koyak, membuat kaku seperti batu. Sel kelabu otak terbekukan kenyataan. Tak ada lagi darah segar mengalir. Kantung air mata yang mengering. Tak ada lagi sinkronisasi dalam tubuh seorang dia yang lain. Umpatan halus itu terus masuk, menabuh gendang telinga yang lelah mendengar, memaksanya untuk mendengar dan kembali menyayat sang hati. "Sejahat itukah aku?", dia yang lain pun terpaku...

Saatnya Menerima

Tak ada yang perlu diperdebatkan, ketika salah satu pihak tak bisa menerima.
Tak ada yang perlu dipaksakan, ketika salah satu pihak berbeda pendapat.
Tak ada pula yang perlu dibenarkan, ketika kebenaran bukan hanya sekedar hitam atau putih.

Kita satu, mereka satu, saya satu, kamu satu.
Dalam sebuah kesatuan pula terbuat kemajemukan.

Saya bertanya, kamu menjawab,
Kamu bertanya, saya menjawab.

Saya, kamu, kita dan mereka punya seribu satu jawaban.
Saya, kamu, kita dan mereka punya seribu satu alasan.

Ketika saya tak bisa lagi menerima, maka sudah berhentilah!
Ketika saya tak siap menerima, kamu tak siap menerima, mereka menolak dan kita berbeda,
maka sudahlah!

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