Sunday, August 2, 2015

The One

Find a man who can share hobby with you, either hobby of yours or his. After looked at the couples at my wild water kayak training last week. I really thought about it. I think, it is really good to have someone you love on your side to share with what you like to do. He can be your partner, you can be his student or his teacher. Even when thing going worse, you can see it as things to learn about your partner. You can laugh, learn, have fun or even feel angry to each other. But still, it will be another memory to remember. 

copyright of  @Sebastian

Jealous? Of course! Kekekeke :) I don't have (yet) a partner (in crime) who can share our hobbies. A man who can lead me to another adventurous life that I never know before, bring me to some new places, teach me about something new to learn, etc....

So will I find one? imageimageimageimageimage

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Kaze Hikaru

The wind has no color or shape.
You only know of its existence by looking at a swaying 
blades of grass.
Without grass even the wind would lose sight of itself.
So you have to sway more and...
Show the wind that,

"This is your home."

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