Tuesday, June 9, 2009

putus asa

Begitu mudahnyakah melepas suatu beban bernama tanggung jawab?

Begitu mudahnyakah mengambil pisau, tali, racun atau apapun itu?

Begitu ringannyakah saat menaiki tangga untuk mencapai atap?

Begitu senangnyakah meninggalkan semuanya di belakang?


Tanpa sadar, diri ini kembali terhanyut dalam putaran sel kelabu otak.


it's not about you, her or the other people. it's about me, who can't stop the feeling i have. someday, when my day brighter without you, i'll come back with the beautifulest smile that i have. so let me go, i need to search my own life, without you, her or the other people. let me take my own journey and go to the heavens. give up the dream i dreamed and the life i have. just sleeping all the time and make sure the drugs affected my body. then i'll have the eternal life...


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